The following Terms and Conditions of Use of this website and the Privacy Policy of its users describe the process of collecting the personal data of website users/customers of our online store, the use of this data and the terms of use of this website. Our online store collects exclusively those personal data that are absolutely necessary for the safe execution and execution of our customers’ orders and that our customers themselves voluntarily disclose to us.

The purpose of collecting our customers’ personal information is to measure the traffic of our website, to record customer requirements regarding the products of the online store and in general to carry out customer transactions with the online store.

Our online store does not disclose to any third party any personal data of its customers/users of its website without their prior express consent.

The customer is considered to have unconditionally and fully accepted the present Terms of Use, as they apply from time to time, in every case of using the services of our online store. In the case of a telephone order, you will also be asked for an email address and/or mobile phone number, the provision of which means your consent to the keeping of your personal data by us for the purposes mentioned here.


Description of services

Our online store is an independent online store, with its own price policy, terms of payment, availability and delivery of products. The customer has the option of placing orders or registering on the online store’s login page by selecting “New User Registration”. Each customer registers only once. The customer, using the unique combination of Customer ID (username) and Customer Code (password) that he has chosen and declared, has the following possibilities:

– To see the contents of his shopping cart (“My Cart”). The products that the customer has chosen to order appear in the “basket”. The customer can order products, which can be reviewed or changed (delete items, change quantities) at any time until the order is completed.

– To complete his order and pay by choosing one of the payment options provided by the online store.

– To see, after completing the order, its execution progress and its contents.

– To see his old orders.

– To modify the customer details of his account



  Any copying, reproduction and retransmission of the material is strictly prohibited without the written permission of the company, and it is available to site visitors only for personal use (non-profit or commercial).

The names, images, logos and distinctive features representing the online store or third parties and their products or services are the exclusive trademarks of or third parties protected by relevant trademark laws.


Customer Obligations

The customer of our online store is obliged to:

– they will use the site in accordance with the law and good manners and will not take actions or omissions that may cause damage to it or to any other user or networks connected to

– To update his personal registration details, so that they correspond at all times to his true personal details. In the event that the Customer’s registration information is found to be incorrect, our online store has the right to immediately deactivate the customer’s account by informing him.

– To not reveal to third parties his unique identification name and password (username, password) in the services of the online store. He is also obliged to IMMEDIATELY inform our online store via email at the email address, of any unauthorized use of his code and password. The online store bears no responsibility for unauthorized use of the password and the identification name of its customers, if it has not been previously informed about it.

– To confirm that he has exited his personal account at the end of each session.

– To provide correct and true Payment and Delivery Details for the orders placed in the online store.


Ways of ordering

You can order from the store in the following ways:

  1. Through our online store
  2. By phone at 2310639795 or 6945606027 at 9.00 am. – 4.00 p.m.
  3. Via email to the address stating all the necessary information (Name, Surname, Address, Telephone, City, Postal Code)


Payment methods

There are 4 payment methods available in our store, as shown below:

  • Credit card
  • PayPal
  • Google Pay
  • Apple Pay


Shipping Methods-Cost

Your orders are delivered via ELTA and FedEx. The cost of your order depends on the weight of the package, its dimensions, your location, as well as the company you choose for delivery. These prices are calculated once you place your order.


Processing time

As long as your order includes products that are immediately available, your package will be delivered to the courier company in 1-2 working days. For the rest of the products, the processing time indicated on each of them applies.


Delivery time

The company is responsible for the delivery time of the goods to be transported to the courier company or transport company, which we will inform you about by e-mail, but not for the time of its final delivery by it to the consumer, a responsibility which rests exclusively with the last.


Order Cancellation

For any order cancellation you should send an e-mail to or call 6945606027 to speak with a store representative. This possibility is provided before the moment when we inform you about the delivery of your order to the carrier by email.



Returns are not accepted at our store, except when a defective item is shipped by our company.